The Church Buildings may be closed, but Habakkuk Ministries remains open
We care about YOU, not what you’re wearing. So, come as you are. The reality is that we are a body of broken, imperfect people discovering how to love and live like Jesus. With open arms, we welcome you to challenge yourself and be transformed into the new person. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
One of the incredible things about the time we live in, is that the Church is not limited by buildings or geography. While we love gathering together in person, and that isn’t possible right now, our hope is that HCM Online gives you the chance to gather together in worship, connect with others, and hear messages that will encourage and enrich you!
Everyone is welcome to worship and take part of every service as we offer our up our worship and prayers. You’ll want to worship with like-minded men and women who take prayer and allow the prophetic anointing to go forth. It’s always a good idea to connect with others that encourage you in your faith, and speak life into the atmosphere.
All true Christians ultimately want to be overcomers as they become aligned with the word of God. HCM have trained ministry teams to pray and guide you through the process. In this sense, we’re equipped to minister to people, no matter where they are.
Being honest and implementing the fruits of the spirit is what the kingdom of Jesus Christ is about. God’s intend for people to depend on Him and not man. To have that personal one on one with God is our goal for each individual person. You can ultimately rely on the Habakkuk family to be with you on your spiritual journey.