Kingdom Women of Faith

Our Mission

As a Kingdom Woman we want to encourage you to walk out your God-given purpose. Live in excellence with no apologies for who God has created you to be. Pursue destiny and walk in the excellency of power that God has given you.

As women of God, we want to influence those in our spheres…our children, our husbands, our sisters and brothers our parents, or neighbors and all we come into contact with.

We want to impact people and situations and circumstances around us so Christ, through us, will bring everything into alignment.

Our Vision

We want to infiltrate the systems of this world. Why? Because we are Kingdom women not just because of how we dress, not because it sounds good. What sets us apart from women of the world is the fact that Kingdom Women align themselves under the power of God. He is the King and we are in His Kingdom. We understand that He created us for His glory. We are light-bearers. We carry the message of the gospel to a dying world.

I want you to know that this ministry is a safe place.

It is a place where you can find safe fellowship with sisters just like you. You can build relationships and community with people just like you.

You can come in here to be refreshed, restored, equipped and pumped up by the Spirit of God to go out into the highways and hedges and compel people to come in to Christ.

We can go into our communities and offer service to those that need it.

Becoming that Kingdom woman is a process…It takes some refining…it takes some transforming, but each day we’ll be saying, I know I may not be all God wants me to be yet but thank God I’m not what I used to be. Here at Kingdom Women we want to provide a holistic approach to ministry. Our desire is that each person is ministered to:

  • Spiritually

  • Emotionally

  • Socially

Our desire is to foster an environment of growth, encouragement and support, as we seek to empower women to become more active and instrumental for the growth of the body of Christ.

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11877 Douglas Rd., Ste 102334, Johns Creek, GA 30005

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