Dream Ministry

 “And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour forth of  My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams;” – Acts 2:17 NASB

God will speak to you in your dream. An example of Christian Dream Symbols in the Bible is the story of Jacob. Jacob was on a trip. He laid down and the Lord gave him a dream. In the dream the symbol of the ladder he saw was the Lord telling Jacob their was an open Heaven in that place. Ladder equals open Heaven in that context of that dream. This is just one example of how the Lord showed Jacob something very significant in a dream.

For this purpose we’ve created an avenue for everyday dreamers to submit their dreams so that they might be rightly interpreted to first be encouraged that they’re hearing Him, and second respond accordingly to his Voice. In submitting your dream you can expect a prayerful response that will help enlighten what the Spirit is saying to you as He is longing for us to wake up to the greater reality of who we are in Him!

Dream Submission

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